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Lancaster County, South Carolina has been a focus of my research for many years. Below are a number of resources that those researching Lancaster County families may find useful. If you have family or ancestors from Lancaster County, please join in on the discussion in the Facebook Group.
Genealogy Collections
- Viola Caston Floyd Collection – Available in Lancaster County Library. I have copies of the family folders from this collection
- Perry Belle Bennett Hough Collection – Available in Lancaster County Library. I have copies of some of the family folders from this collection
Cemeteries and Churches
- Fork Hill Baptist Church
- Old Hanging Rock Presbyterian Church Cemetery
- Baskins Cemetery
- Unknown Cemetery in Rich Hill (burial location of Andrew Croxton Blackmon)
- David Pells Headstone in an “Edwards” Cemetery
- Unknown Cemetery in Indian Land (no headstones)
Description of Other Family Cemeteries
(Provided by email from various individuals)
- There is a cemetery located on a hilltop about 1/2 mile West of SC 90 at the County line near Liberty Hill, SC. These are marked with very eroded gravestones and probably date from civil war or earlier.
- There are two cemeteries west of Pleasant Hill on what is now called cold stream rd. There are no markers. Someone said that one was white and the other was black they are across from each other.
- The Bennett Cemetery is located on the Charles Crawford property, 142 New Hope Road, off the Old Camden Highway, which is parallel to Highway 521
- A brass plate with the following inscription is attached to a large tombstone in Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery. “This marker was removed from /Family Cemetery north side of Hess Branch/S.W. corner of Lancaster County/ and place here in 1957. The original marker reads: To the memory of Zadock Perry/Was Born Nov. 10th, 1754 & Died Jan. 8th, 1815./ Who was engaged in arduous struggle/For the defence of his country/In the Revolution of 76.”
- Williams Cemetery. From some old correspondence: Someone gave (Mrs. Johnson) a note they had from Carol McNaughton that said that the Williams Family Cemetery was located 1 mile south of Fork Hill Church on “Redfield Rd” now State Hwy 9. (Mrs. Johnson) went down there recently and drove around for awhile and couldn’t find it. The note was written in 1993. (Mrs. Johnson)did learn that one mile south from Fork Hill Church on Fork Hill Rd there is and old cemetery in the woods behind a very old house. Only rocks, no markers with names. The folks (Mrs. Johnson)spoke to said they knew it was a cemetery but thought over the years it was a slave or Indian cemetery. (Mrs. Johnson)think just because there were no names. (Mrs. Johnson)am really not sure how graves there were there as (Mrs. Johnson)did not go back in the woods to see it. (Mrs. Johnson) figured if Carol McNaughton knew it was there there must have been names on the stones! So just assumed it was not the William’s cemetery. Her notes also said that William Williams and his son, David Roger Williams are buried in the Williams Family cemetery and then it gave the location. (Mrs. Johnson) had gone down Fork Hill Church Rd, but it is possible that the cemetery is located on Hwy 9 (as she put it) which is now 903 if I am not mistaken. So one mile south of Fork Hill Church Rd on Hwy 9 would need to be explored. Seems someone would know. Unless all those that did are now gone.